To say I visited Brighton on rather wet and windy day is a slight understatement. I sat outside the No.32 Bar and Grill under a large canvas umbrellalong enough to draw most of the picture of two girls enjoying a very blustery chat over a few beers. The rain was pouring down and I enjoyed a cappuccino and a pastry thing before deciding to retire to the foyer when the umbrellas had to be lowered as the wind was too strong. Here, I was allowed to stay for probably around four hours in the warm and dry whilst Brighton was battered by the elements. The picture of the girls behind the counter caused much interest to the staff there. After two more cappuccinos and an outright gorgeous chocolate and pecan slice I left - very thankful to the staff for allowing me to perch in a corner for so long on such a busy day that they had to keep turning customers away. Both pictures were drawn on the iPad with a tracked time of nearly two hours for each.
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